Documenting : When and Why to Write It Down

Sep 12, 2024 • 2 min read

Let’s talk about documentation - it’s not just paperwork, it’s your team’s secret weapon for getting things done faster and smarter.

When you use it right, documentation can make your work life so much easier, help everyone communicate better, and save you tons of time in the long run.

So, when should you break out the docs?

Here are some great times to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard):

When you’re tired of repeating yourself

You know that feeling when you’re explaining the same thing over and over? Save yourself the hassle!

If you need to share info with lots of people - like getting feedback from your boss, the data folks, engineers, or anyone else - why not write it down once?It’s way easier than having a million meetings, plus everyone can read it when it suits them best.

Bonus: you’ll have a go-to resource for future chats!

When you’re dealing with techy stuff

Let’s face it, some things are just too complex for a quick chat.

That’s why we love writing down the nitty-gritty details for things like APIs, system setups, and tricky workflows. It helps avoid those “Wait, what did you mean?” moments and cuts down on the back-and-forth.

By laying it all out clearly, you’re giving your team the power to figure things out on their own - no more constant questions interrupting your flow!

When you want to remember why you did something

Ever looked back at a decision and thought, “What was I thinking?

Save future-you (or the new person on your team) from that headache!

Jot down the reasons behind your choices and processes. It’s like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs - super helpful when you need to retrace your steps.

Plus, it’s a goldmine of info that can help you make even better decisions down the road and avoid repeating any oopsies.

By focusing on these key moments for documentation, you’re setting your team up for success without drowning in paperwork.

The whole point is to make your work life easier and more awesome - not to create extra busywork. So keep it simple and useful to maintain.

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