My Tech Stack

Jun 13, 2023 • 3 min read

In today’s fast-paced work environment, having a well-curated tech stack can significantly enhance productivity and streamline various tasks. In this blog post, I will delve into my personal tech stack that I rely on daily for work. From task management to design and communication tools, each software in my arsenal plays a crucial role in helping me stay organized, focused, and efficient.

Todoist: task management

Todoist serves as my go-to task management tool, allowing me to stay on top of my weekly and daily tasks effortlessly. Its intuitive interface and versatile features enable me to prioritize tasks, set due dates, and organize projects effectively. With seamless integration across multiple devices, I can access and update my to-do lists from anywhere, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

Notion: note-taking, writing and documentation

While Notion offers extensive note-taking capabilities, I primarily utilize it for work meetings, project details, and general writing. Its flexible structure allows me to create custom templates and organize information in a way that suits my workflow. Although I experimented with using Notion as a todo list, I found Todoist’s simplicity better suited for that purpose. Nevertheless, Notion remains an invaluable tool for organizing and referencing information.

Slack: seamless communication

Slack serves as the central hub for communication with colleagues and other design community spaces. Its real-time messaging and collaboration features facilitate quick discussions, file sharing, and efficient teamwork. With various channels dedicated to different projects or topics, I can easily navigate conversations, stay informed, and contribute to discussions effortlessly.

Figma: design tool

As a designer, Figma is my go-to tool for creating stunning visual designs. Its cloud-based nature allows for seamless collaboration with team members, eliminating version control issues. Figma’s robust set of features enables me to translate design concepts into tangible results efficiently. Additionally, the ability to inspect and export assets simplifies the handoff process, making it a must-have tool for any design workflow.

Visual Studio Code: front-end develompment powerhouse

Given my deep understanding of front-end development, I often convert designs into HTML and CSS. Visual Studio Code, a powerful source code editor, facilitates this process. With its extensive ecosystem of extensions and plugins, I can tailor the editor to my specific needs, enhancing productivity and code quality. The built-in Git integration and debugging capabilities further contribute to a seamless development experience.

Plausible: analytics made simple

Plausible is my preferred tool for tracking analytics on my websites. With its privacy-focused approach and user-friendly interface, Plausible provides valuable insights into website performance and visitor behavior without compromising user data. The simplicity and transparency of Plausible’s analytics dashboard make it an excellent alternative to traditional, more complex analytics platforms.

Substack: newsletters

For my newsletter writing needs, I rely on Substack. Its intuitive interface allows me to create and distribute newsletters effortlessly. With built-in email management features, I can grow and engage with my subscriber base effectively. Substack’s monetization options also provide opportunities for creators to generate revenue from their newsletters.

I manage two newsletter with Substack:

  • Design Tokens Pills, a newsletter that aims to help you understand and use design tokens in your projects
  • Designabile, a newsletter about Product Design and UX (italian language)

Gumroad: selling digital products

Gumroad is an invaluable addition to my tech stack, as it enables me to launch and manage my first product: Design Tokens Manager. With Gumroad’s powerful e-commerce platform, I can sell and distribute this powerful Notion template, making it easier for other designers and developers to use and implement consistent design elements across projects. The platform’s secure payment processing and customizable features make it a reliable choice for digital product distribution.

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